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DUNM99 is the german name for the ultimative NMR macro.
Very important: the version 1.3 is only available in german, v. 1.4 is coming soon...
DUNM99 is a word-macro for pasting NMR-data in regular style. One can carry out little calculations (coupling-constants for Dubletts, Tripletts and AB-systems) and work with many styles for different NMR-spectra (31P, 1H, 13C).
DUNM99 is here only available in the basic version. Who wants to have the full-version of DUNM-PRO, should take a look here.
You can even order DUNM-PRO online . The registration-code for the full version is sent by email to you, if you have paid the registration fee. As a registered user, the updates (in the same main-version) are naturally inclusive.
The newest versions of DUNM99
Installation of DUNM99
The mode of operation of DUNM99
The options of DUNM99
NMR-calculations with DUNM99
The macro DUNM99 is Shareware. This concept offers one the possibility to test the quality and fitness of a software before the purchase. The shareware-version can insert only a certain number of NMR-shifts, the full version does not have this restriction.
So it's necessary to register the macro DUNM99 after the testing period (30 days). The shareware fee is 7,68 EURO that should be transferred on my account with the number 2660776 at the Sparda-Bank Hannover eG (BLZ 25090500), important: unambiguous sender! You can register online here After this, you get the full version of DUNM-PRO, without any restrictions.
DUNM99 can be freely distributed, but changes at the macro itself (if they are possible) are not allowed. For editorial presentations, the contained texts and pictures can be gladly used.
There is no guarantee for damages, that are caused by the utilization of this software.
Comments to the program and tips to improvements are always welcome!
Special thanks to all who returned diligently feedbacks, especially Christoph Neumann and Nils Hoffmann. Good job, boys...
So, there is nothing more to say than have much fun and
Happy DUNMing
Last Updated: | http://www.MiLo-Soft.de | © Michael Lorms |